A very huge and grand Hindu Spiritual and Service Fair was held at Kora Kendra Grounds, Borivali West from January 11th to 13th 2019. The theme was to foster Women’s Honour, Conserve Forests and protect WildLife, Instil Patriotism, Sustain Environment, Inculcate Family and Human Values and Preserve Ecology. The participants were various Hindu Organisations who are working to preserve the environment and working for various social causes
RiverMarch was allotted a Stall in a prominent place and received wide coverage in the newspapers. The RiverMarchers spread the message on the critical importance of saving rivers, water, tree plantation to the public who were very inspired and pledged to do their utmost to save the environment
On this occasion River March showcased the concept of ROAD MARCH and displayed charts, and promotional methods on the suggestions given by River and Road March to the Government of Maharashtra on how to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution, noise pollution. The public expressed their admiration and full support to River March in all its efforts for the above goals