Start Date : 2018
In April 2018 Mr. Vikram Chogle, a River Marcher and Mr. Himanshu Mehta of Art of Living went to Bangalore to meet Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji at his ashram and seek his blessings for the construction of the first check dam on Dahisar river. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji and his Art of Living Foundation have taken upon a mission of saving the rivers all over India and rejuvenating the same. Guruji gave a patient hearing to the condition of Dahisar river and gave his blessings for the construction check dam on Dahisar River. The Foundation brought a team of their own Engineers, technicians and workers who have a lot of experience in this work in many places in India and with their funds built the check dam.
This was completed by May 2019. After the first monsoon in 2019 the check dam was full of water. Mr, Chogle and Mr, Mehta once again visited Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji in his ashram and offered their heart felt thanks to him for the same. Guruji blessed the team and the dam and personally tweeted his congratulations to every one. Art of Living Foundation has promised to take on the responsibility of constructing all the required dams on Dahisar river