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Start Date : 2017



River march initiated the activity to clean Poisar river from 2nd April 2017.  The team was committed to carry out the activity for 52 continuous week and to clean the river right from its origin where it enters the BMC limits. The point was Appapada, Krantinagar,  Kandivali East where the river leaves national park forest and it meets with all sorts of pollutants like plastic waste, wet waste, animal dead bodies, human waste, sewage water etc etc. The situation on ground was horrifying. First Sunday when River march team reached there they were shocked to see the condition of river and people staying around. Many team members had tears in eyes to see the condition. It was difficult to decide where to start as every inch of river had waste and sewage as deep as 4 feet. With the help of some BMC staff, Cleaners provided by M/s May Fair Builder and Volunteers of River march team started the cleaning drive. Local residents were shocked to see team making effort to make place clean and were very skeptical

One team of River March volunteers also visited people door to door to convince them to keep the area clean. Task was mammoth but team River march was determined to make the difference. Team removed more than 70,000 Kg of trash on first Sunday. However when team visited next Sunday, they saw situation was equally bad and all the area they had cleaned had turned into dump yard again. Local residents played blame game. 

 This was completely unexpected but Team River March was determined. Team continued the drive over many Sundays and removed total 2,20,000 Kg of waste which was largely plastic. Apart from that team cleaned many dead bodies of stray animals like Dogs, Cats, Furniture like sofas and mattresses, human and animal waste etc. All this waste not only had unpleasant view but also deadly smell which resulted in many of the river march volunteers falling sick during activity but they did not give up.

To bring this to Notice of government, Team River march also made visit along with Ms. Amruta Fadnavis, Wife of Then Chief MinIster of Maharashtra Mr. Devendra Fadnavis who promised to take action to improve the situation.  Continuous follow ups and pressure was put on the local politicians and MCGM officials to take remedial steps to keep Krantinagar slum area clean.

To increase local participation and inspire them for keeping place clean, Team River march also celebrated festivals like Christmas on 24th December 2017 where a party was organized with the games, cakes, sweets, balloons, prizes  and gifts were distributed to the delighted children

Makar Sankrant festival was celebrated  on January 15th 2018 with local residents and children  by distributing Khichdi and sweets .

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